I want YOU as my Guestblogger
- Topics: Founding stories, marketing, business, customer acquisition, visibility, reach, personal development, sales, online business
- Maximum of 2 guest postings per week
- Words between 300 and 900 possible
- Backlink with do-follow link
- Search engine optimization for your desired keyword
- Introduction of you and your business with 100 words possible
- Linking with similar postings for internal reach
- Mention in the newsletter with up to 25,000 subscribers
- Positioning as an expert in your field
- Ads budget of €25 per blog post
- Daily views approx. 1000-1250
- Blog restart: August 1, 2024 as part of the 3rd Female Empowerment Conference
- Start as an English Expert Blog in the founders-niche
- Blog post can be reused
- Placement of a portrait and a thematically appropriate image
- Investment of €29 – for ads budget and administration, SEO and fees
- Option limited to 20 places (12.7.24: 13/20 places still available)
- By filling in the form you enter into a contract with Womansphere and agree to pay the investment and submit the guest posting within four weeks of registration